
Friday, November 22, 2013

Fibonacci Beauty Ratio Reflective Essay

Fibonacci Beauty Ratio Measurements

After looking over the results, Ismael R. is the most “beautiful” based on the Beauty Ratio because of his average proportion, 1.67, which is closest to 1.618, the Golden ratio. To be the “most beautiful” your body must be equally proportioned to a certain number of centimeters after dividing the measurements. Elizabeth was also close to the golden ratio and in my opinion of her and Ismael’s faces; they have nice structured features, such as their nose and jaw. They do not have any odd features. However, I do not think that the golden rule really determines the most beautiful person because I still think the others in which I measured are still good looking even if their ratio wasn't near the golden rule. Different and special features is what I think make a person beautiful. There shouldn't be a certain proportion one should have in order to be seen as beautiful.

Fibonacci Haiku: My Own little Jump of Joy  
Bitter Joy
Bright and Yellow 
Makes everything taste even better
Always have extra mustard packets in my Backpack
Many find it really gross but i am not ashamed of my mustard. 
Lasagna, pizza, chips, popcorn, enchiladas, quesadillas, tuna, chicken, tacos, french fries, you name it, i gotta have my mustard with it.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

SP#5: Unit J Concept 6: Partial Fraction Decomposition with Repeating Factors

     An important thing to pay close attention to is multiplying you denominator. It is very easy to make a mistake when foiling multiple factors. A tricky thing when solving is trying to canceling out B,C,D. You have to make sure of multiplying the right number in order for the equations to cancel out. Once you find your A the rest of the problem should be simple since you just plug in and solve, in which you can use your calculator.

Friday, November 15, 2013

SP#4: Unit J concept 5: Partial Fraction Decomposition with Distinct Factors

     An important thing to pay close attention to
is factoring the correct factors for each denominator
in order to come up with the right terms. It is
also really important to make sure you combine your like terms correct. There is a lot of like terms so using different colors or circling them will help a lot. In order to have the correct answer you have to plug in the correct matrix to start with so double check to have the right numbers. i hope this helps:)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

SV#5: Unit J Concepts 3-4: Matrices

  To watch my video click HERE
  An important thing to pay attention to while solving for this problem is all of the signs and to make multiply correctly each row. It is extremely important to add or subtract the right rows when finding a certain zero because if not that automatically get you on the wrong track. There are a lot of little steps that you must do correct. Using the calculator after solving your matrix is helpful to see if your answer is correct.
* I did not verbally explain how to solve for x at the end but you simply plug in your z and y which were already solved for.